ViewStar X

Hi-Fi Prototyping for IoT40 Systems

The initial requirements for this project were to find a way to create two very realistic prototypes for two web applications. On the one hand, there was the ViewStar X Configurator and on the other, there was the ViewStar X Wizard. IoT40 wanted to show their customer how the two applications that they already planned, could work and feel. This was the point where I came into the picture. For such kind of prototypes, I like to use Adobe XD, because there you have pretty nice possibilities to create clickable prototypes, which can behave like real applications. You can also share them through a link for the reviewers and developers. After one week and some iterations, we came to the following result which you can see in the pictures below. Furthermore, the customer of IoT40 was very impressed by the prototypes.

Configurator Artboards & Links

Configurator Designs

Wizard Artboards & Links

Wizard Designs

Do you need a last minute prototype for an application?

☞ Let’s have a talk.


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